Thursday, February 28, 2008

Missed opportunities for some

Ugh, it's hard to win when you can't get decent cards! So close and yet so far for so many, but Tanner will end up with his 2 month winning streak intact. Smaller crowd, therefore fewer points, so the damage was limited. Here are the results.

With my sights on Tanner and within 3 points, I could ill afford to be first out, yet that's exactly what happened and I ended up with 1 point.

Next out was Stevie, also within striking distance but because he was second out, he won't be moving up either. Stevie garnered 2 points.

Tanner and his 3 points went out next, so while he didn't win tonight, his lock on first place remains because Stevie & I couldn't get squadush!

Lisa was getting some good cards, namely Aces! And her all in hand was a winner, that is until the river when Chris' two pair suddenly became a full house and beat her straight. Lisa left the table with 4 points.

Deb made the heads up match but was so far behind in chips there was little doubt as to the outcome, so her night ended with 6 points.

Chris once again found himself at the winning end of the spectrum and jumped into a tie for second place with 8 points. Here's the breakdown.


Tune in next week, same bat time, same bat channel!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Coming up on the next TNP........

Well, Tanner's never been more vulnerable than he will be tomorrow night. I'm within 3 points and Stevie is within 9. If either of us can place in the top 3 and put him out early, the top spot will fall. But, if he can hold off his competition and place higher than either of us, he'll finish February where he started January, at the top of the heap. And the battle for second is really where the action will be, as several players are well within striking distance, so the top 3 spots could be totally different come Friday morning. Stay tuned!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Close but no cigar!

Well, I had my chance tonight, but due to my poor vision and lack of concentration, Tanner's lead remains intact. Smaller crowd but enough points to make some changes in the standings. So, from last to first here's how it panned out.

Out of a field of 10 players, a new comer, Jessee, brother of Lisa, was out first tonight with 1 point.

Next out was Skylar with 2 points.

After taking a day off from work, Nick was feeling a bit under the weather most of the day and ended the game with 3 points.

After splitting a few too many hands, Crystal was finally put out with 4 points and was none too happy about it let me tell you!

Lisa was ousted next with 5 points.

Next out was Tanner, leaving the table with 6 points and his top spot in the standings in jeopardy.

Deb made the final 4 and earned 7 points.

I actually made the top 3 and if I hadn't mis read my hand could have done better, but I had to settle for 8 points.

This left Chris and Stevie vying for the top spot in tonight's game. Stevie feigned being tired and wanting to leave soon and this led Deb to go all in and he put her out. His chip lead was too much to overcome and he won the night and left Chris with 10 points.

For his first win in '08 Stevie earned 12 points and moves up in the rankings. So here's the official results from tonight's game.


Congratulations Stevie on a game well played! See you all next Thursday!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

TNP Preview

TNP eve and there could be some major changes in the making. I'm within 5 points of Tanner so it's possible we could have a new leader after tomorrow night. Course, it's also possible he could win tomorrow night and maintain the lead. We'll see. After 2 weeks of great turn out, will tomorrow follow suit and offer lots of points for a lucky few? Time will tell. Regardless, tune in tomorrow or early Friday for the results. Till then, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Poker is for lovers!

Well, a Valentines Day editon of TNP has concluded with some big upsets and some movement on the stats board. Some absences, namely Tanner & Chris, provided a chance for some to move up, so from last to first, here's how the night ended.

Out of a field of 12 players, our first player out tonight was a bit of a surprise after her impressive showing last week. Carrie ended the night with 1 point.

Next to bow out was a new comer and friend of Killian, Elisabeth with 2 points.

Another new player, Andrew, friend of Markus and Carrie, ended the night with 3 points.

Next out was Nick. No rookie here, but it was his first showing in '08 and he finished with 4 points.

Skyler bowed out next with 5 points.

Arriving late from work and starting with a deficit of chips, Paul placed 7th with 6 points.

I had my big chance tonight to really close in on Tanner and put a little distance between me and the pack, but the cards were against me and I finished 6th with 7 points.

Next out was Markus, who markedly improved over his previous showing with 8 points.

Deb made the top 4, much better than last week, and added 9 points to her total.

One player, absent from the top 3 for quite some time, Stevie made a good showing tonight, since he's off tomorrow, and was able to rack up 10 points.

Our heads up game came down to two veterans of TNP, but both have been absent from the regular game for quite some time. Having amassed a sizable chip lead before moving to the feature table, Killian's luck and great hands continued and he put out Lisa in second place with 12 points.

For his first place finish tonight, Killian earned 14 points and moved up substantially in the standings.

So here's how it all panned out. Cupid's arrows were flying and a lucky few ended with love and, more importantly, CHIPS!


There you have it! Each game becomes critical now as the field tightens up and fewer and fewer points seperate each player. May you each find the desire of you heart and Happy Valentine's Day!


Looks as though the top ranked player, Tanner, may have to work tonight. He said all waiters were to be on duty tonight for VD. He's trying to get someone to cover for him, but he may not be able to find anyone. More details as they become available.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Looking ahead to a Valentine's Day version of TNP, we'll see if we can match last weeks record turn out. I doubt we have that many, but I was surprised by last week to so we'll see. Tanner's first place spot is in jeapordy, especially if we have another big crowd. Results posted ASAP. Good luck to all and Happy VD!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Admiral's Invitational Cash Game

Ok, I think I'm gonna have to make a new rule. The house gets half the purse! Once again I hosted a cash game after breakfast yesterday. Me, Adam, Stevie and Tanner finished our blueberry pancakes and put $5 bucks each and shuffled up the cards. Once again I was the first out! I just could not get a card to save my soul. Next out was Adam. Stevie was nauseated from the night before but stuck in there to outlast Tanner. Course, Tanner had to be to work by 5 and I think Stevie just outlasted him, but nevertheless Stevie once again won money at the B & B, to the tune of $20. Much fun.

Thursday, February 7, 2008


What a night! Record attendence with 15 players! Here's the rundown, from last to first.

First out was Todd, a new comer to the game and a friend of Randy's, Todd earned 1 point for his debut.

Next out was Anthony, earning 2 points.

Then, after suffering a crippling hand earlier, Deb with 3 points.

Next, Lisa. While it's been a while since she's played, Lisa used to be a TNP regular, but tonight had to settle for 4 points.

Making his '08 debut, but certainly no new comer, Markus exited the game with 5 points.

Perhaps the biggest surprise of the night came when Tanner bowed out with 6 points.

Another former regular, but making his first game of '08 was Randy with 7 points.

A relative rookie to the game and first posting on the stats board was Seth with 8 points.

After a long day at work and expecting an early morning, Stevie put his chips to bed early and soon did the same for himself with 9 points.

And while I didn't make the top 3 this week, I did earn 10 points.

And, earning big chips most of the night with full houses, Carrie ended her game tonight with a full house, only to be beaten by Chris' quad 5s. Carrie ended up with 11 points.

With 12 points, Skylar moved up substantially in the stats.

Vastly improving over his last outing and making it to the top 3, Killian ended the night with 13 points.

This left our heads up game between Paul and Chris. Would Chris be able to repeat after his victory from last week? YES! Leaving Paul with 15 points.

Chris earned 17 points for the night improving his standing to third place.

This unexpectedly large crowd certainly upped the available points tonight and brought a few players to within striking distance of the leader, Tanner. Here are the standings from tonights game.


Let's play!

Time again for some Texas Holdem! Markus will be here tonight, and I've heard from Devie that he'd like to get his name on the stats board so we'll see if he can make it tonight to. With Tanner leading, more than a 16 point advantage, he's assured of remaining in first place tonight no matter the outcome. The contest will be for second, third and fourth place and with no more than 9 points separating 4th & 2nd place anyone can move up. Crystal has to work so she won't be there and Adam is feeding his LOST addiction. Results will be posted as soon as possible. Good Luck everyone!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Looking ahead to our first TNP in Feb

With a few of us closng in on Tanner, but still with a ways to go, placing higher in the standigs becomes critical. Looks like LOST will keep Adam from the tables so he'll continue to drop in the standings, while Markus, who's scheduled to be here this week, will finally get his name on the stats board. Everyone else in the middle will be competing to get closer to the leader.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Cash game at the B & B

What started out to be simply watching LOST with Adam turned into a cash game at the B & B last night. Myself, Adam, Stevie, Tanner, Killian & Paul each put up a whole dollar and threw caution to the wind and shuffled the cards for a winner take all event. From first out to the winner, here's how the night unfolded.

I don't know why I suck so bad at cash games, but I was out first.

Next out was the player who put me out, Paul.

Following Paul was Killian, who definitely improved over his past few performances here at the APC and at TNP.

Next out, not having any luck last night was Tanner.

This left the heads up between two frequent winners, both at the APC and at TNP. The odds on favorite, based on his past performance in cash games here at the B & B had to be Stevie. He had a sizable chip lead throughout the game as he put Paul out and had great hands for most of the night. However, Stevie's old nemisis Adam wasn't going out without a fight. And fight he did! Coming on strong at the end with full houses, Adam prevailed and took home the coveted $6! What a night!

So, until next Thursday or the next impromptu game here at the B & B, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters. Shuffle up and deal!