Sweet, innocent Snow White was angry to discover one of the dwarfs had taken her chair while she was away. In order to correct this, she gathered the dwarfs and the evil queen and calmly explained to them that this was her chair, and that no one, and I mean NO ONE was allowed to sit in it. So, to teach them all a lesson, she began to eliminate them one by one.
The first to go was Grumpy (mark). He started out so well, but Snow White had a flush he didn't see and it cost him dearly. Grumpy finished playing, however, and earned 1 point.

Soon to follow Grumpy was Doc (jeff). He was the last person to sit in Snow White's chair and was the one Snow White wanted to see go away soonest. Doc could only squeeze 2 points out of the game they were playing.

For the second time, Happy (justin) put out Doc with a full house! Doc was none too pleased with Happy, and has a few surprises in store for him. Happy left with Grumpy and 3 points.

Barely able to keep his eyes open, Sleepy (jake) just couldn't get any decent cards. He ended the game with 4 points and took a nap.

Although she played well, the Evil Queen (crystal) kept putting her chips in Sneezy's tray. This along with her obsession with revenge against Snow White and all the dwarfs kept the Queen from winning this night. She ate an apple and left with 5 points.

Dopey (markus) was playing really well. His game has improved, but alas, he began to follow Sleepy's lead and grew tired. Still, his 6 points will improve his standings.

Bashful (chris) became bold when he joined the final table and came from near elimination to near victory. He amassed a huge amount of chips, much to the chagrin of Sneezy, but soon began to lose them. And so Bashful ended his comeback with 6 points.

When it finally came down to heads up, Sneezy (nick) was a very happy camper. He had eliminated Bashful and earned an extra point for the bounty. As soon as he had accomplished this, he withdrew from the contest and allowed Snow White to win without further struggle. Sneezy added 10 points to go ahead of Prince Charming (adam) who was off riding his horse (or a football player).

Snow White (deb) easily won the night. Even though she struggled a bit at first, she played with Sneezy and Bashful as a cat would with two little mice. Her aggressive play had her opponents folding good hands while she held little more than crap. Still, that's what experience does for you. With the dwarfs and evil queen now thoroughly beaten and ashamed, she took back the chair that she's become so accustomed to and chided the little men to not mess with her shit again!

The story by the numbers.
9. Mark 1
8. Jeff 2
7. Justin 3
6. Jake 4
5. Crystal 5
4. Markus 6
3. Chris 7
2. Nick 10 (including Chris' bounty point)
1. Deb 11
And they all lived happily ever after together! YEAH RIGHT!
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