Having grown weary of having her authority challenged, the Ice Queen decided to once and for all deal with the creatures that would take her throne. Summoning all the power her witchcraft could conjur, she began first with the weakest.

Flicking the faun, Mr. Tumnus (nick), like a fly, the Queen barely noticed his feeble attempts at dethroning her. Mr. Tumnus was sent scurrying with 1 point.

Next to fall was Oreius (chris), who dared only 2 short weeks ago to attempt a coup against the queen. He & Mr. Tumnus were pawns in the clutches of the queen. This night they were removed first. Oreius with 2 points.

Susan (crystal), fighting valiantly, had her quiver run empty and was discarded with 4 points, one arrow in particular doing damage but failing to deliver a death blow.

The only nemesis of the queen able to mount a serious threat to her throne was banished next. Even the goodness of Father Christmas (jeff) was no match for the wicked queen, as his 4 points can attest to.

Remarkably, the brave Prince (adam) was no match for the powers of the queen. His sword was able to draw blood once, doing much damage, but it proved only to enrage her. His 6 points recapturing for himself the lead over Mr. Tumnus.

Even Aslan the Lion (mark), who seemed on the verge of vanquishing the queen, finally settled for an armistice. After fighting gloriously and defeating many of the queens minions, Aslan grew exhausted and finally accepted the truce offered by the queen.

Even settling for a cessation was a victory for the queen. Two of her spells had done particular damage to her enemies, proving she had to use all the guile she posessed to escape with her life. She yet prevails and retains her throne, her grip on power becoming ever tighter.
The battle over, the war continues. Will the evil queen ever be defeated? Is there not a champion among us brave and powerful enough to unseat her? Is our destiny sealed, ever fighting, ever losing? Time alone will tell.
By the tally:
7. Nick 1
6. Chris 2
5. Crystal 4 (including 1 bonus for quad 9s)
4. Jeff 4
3. Adam 6 (including 1 bonus for quad kings)
2. Mark 8
1. Deb 10 (including 2 bonus for quad 4s & quad 10s)
Having split the first place finish, there are 2 bounty points available this week, on Deb & Mark.
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