Table 2
Final Table
Continuing a slump he started last week, Jake was the first out and earned 1 point.
Certainly not the triumphant return he desired, Wes was out second and debuted on TNP with 2 points. His good hands were simply bettered, mostly by me.
With Deb & I gunning for Tanner, not to mention Stevie's desire to close the gap, Mr. T had a contract out on him and last night he was delivered an early dismissal and left the game with 3 points.
While her boobs re-inflated just a bit, Crystal was still disappointed with her 6th place finish. Still, her 4 points did put her ahead of Jake and inching ever closer to Adam.
Markus' game has done nothing but improve since his heads up tournament turn around, so his 5th place finish, including 5 points, helped seperate him from Justin.
Nick came in with a foul mood, after having yet another tough day at school. His stop at Cactus Bar did little to ameliorate his spirits. Still, he played well and garnered 6 points to pull ahead of Adam by 3.
I made the top 3, but ran out of gas at the end. My 6 points did help keep me close to the front runner however.
The heads up came down to Deb & Stevie. Honestly, when the final 2 started their match, I simply knew that Deb had it wrapped up. Her chip lead was slight, but the first dozen hands she won easily as her cards were good enough to raise pre flop and call any raise Stevie offered. About mid way through the contest, however, her luck turned south, fast and hard, and Stevie fought back from near elimination to win the night. Deb won 9 points for her efforts, however, and remained in first place.
Having terminated Nick with a full house against Nick's 2 pair, including pocket aces, and his fantastic performance against Deb in the heads up, Stevie's 11 points pull him to within 11 points of Tanner. So the top 3 behind Deb are all within grasp of the pinnacle of the stats board. Here's the break down.
9. Jake - 1
8. Wes - 2
7. Tanner - 3
6. Crystal - 4
5. Markus - 5
4. Nick - 6
3. Jeff - 7
2. Deb - 9
1. Stevie - 11
So while the expected crowd didn't come through, Stevie is satisfied with the results and has his sights set on Tanner, in more ways than one! So until the next chapter of TNP is written, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!

This weeks winner!
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