What a night last night was! Not only did we have a straight flush, courtesy of Justin, but we had the hand of hands, the mother load, an over the top killer hand from Adam. What hand you ask? Well, a Royal Flush of course! So, let's get to it, shall we?
We had 9 players, assembled thusly:
It would seem Markus finally had something go right this week. For while he was unable to attend, the hit he put out on Jake was extremely successful. Jake just couldn't get any cards and was deep sixed with only 1 point.
The next shocker came when last weeks victim of a hit job took another hit this week. Tanner was out next with 2 points, leaving himself vulnerable from Stevie's advancing charge!
Crystal, sporting a new doo, which I might add looked really good, was next to exit with 3points. Her departure set the stage for the final table.
Looking to avenge his unceremonious dismissal last week at the hands of Stevie, Nick even had some help from his 4 legged daughter, Leila, but she got sick, puked on his leg and that was the end of Nick for the night. He took home 4 points.
Hoping to close the gap with Deb, I fell short and ended the night with 5 points, thanks to a resurgent Justin and his pocket Aces! Dam gays!
Speaking of which, Justin was out next. Mark dropped by after he got off work to check on his lover. Justin was doing just fine, thank you very much! Not only did he have a straight flush, (only thing straight about him), but he also survived several all ins and earned 6 points for his efforts. Look out Crystal!
When it came down to 3, Stevie had to be an early odds on favorite. His recent performance has been spectacular, and his sizable chip stack gave him an advantage. However, the cards turned against him and he had to leave the table with 7 points, drawing to within 6 of Tanner. Next week should be interesting!
Making the heads up match, for the first time this year if I'm not too badly mistaken, was Adam. Suffering from a lack of sleep, he nevertheless had what was the most exciting hand of the night. Slow playing, as he always does, his 4 to the flush from the flop, he kept calling Stevie's big bets. When it finally came to the river, after already having his flush, he hit the jack pot! Royal Flush in clubs! This critically wounded Stevie and helped Adam garner 9 points. Congrats Adam!

Now if you had polled anyone standing around the table when the final 3 started, the overwhelming response would have been "Deb hasn't got a chance in hell!". Her very short chip stack just kept being whittled away, and all seemed lost. But, slowly, methodically, she began working her way back into contention. I warned both Stevie & Adam, having played this consumate professional many, many times in the past, to be cautious about allowing her back into the game. Yet, try as they might, her persistant aggressive play and gifts from the poker gods in the form of good hands turned the tide that was against her and for the third time this year she won a TNP, perhaps her most impressive yet. So, to Wonder Woman, we alot 11 points, her 4th week in a row at #1 and the respect she's earned. Here's the game according to the numbers.
9. Jake 1
8. Tanner 2
7. Crystal 3
6. Nick 4
5. Jeff 5
4. Justin 6
3. Stevie 7
2. Adam 9
1. Deb 11
Look for pictures and video from last night's game to be posted this evening. In 2 weeks, we'll have our monthly feast. I've been informed that Deb will be unable to attend that night, so if anyone want's to volunteer to bring United's baked potato salad, leave me a comment. Not only will she not be there to eat, but this will provide me an opportunity to make up lost ground. Course, I'll be gone the following week so everything evens out in the end. Until next week, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!

This weeks winner, Deb!
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