Thursday, July 3, 2008.
Hot dogs (I'm making chili and have the dogs)
Mark & Justin (hamburger patties)
Adam (buns, including hot dog, hamburger and ass)
Jake (pecan pie)
Tanner (chips)
Deb (veggies for burgers, dips for chips)
Stevie (yet to be determined side dish)
Christoph (Dr. Peppers)
I'll add to this as I have communication from those yet to commit.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Vantage Point
Adam said the issue of side pots was discussed at the game hosted by Mark & Justin. I concur it is something we should start to do. Many times some low chip stack will go all in, killing someone elses ability to make some real money with a great hand. So here is the simplist explanation of a side pot I could find. And remember, the side pot is resolved first, then the main pot.
Regarding side pots:
The most important rule regarding side pots is that a player can't win more than he or she has put in from each other player in the pot.
An example: Player A moves all-in for $100. Player B also moves all-in, for $400. Player C, who has $800 in his stack, calls.
Player A can only win $100 each from the two other players, meaning that the main pot will be $300.
A side pot is then created for Player B and Player C. The remaining $300 from Player B's $400 bet will go into the side pot, and Player C will match that amount. Consequently, the side pot will be $600

Adam also brought up another idea. Bonus points, or bounty points. Award an extra point to the player who puts out the winner from the previous week's game. If the previous weeks winner wins again, then they would get a bonus point. We could also award bonus points for exceptional hands. 1 point for 4 of a kind, 2 points for a straight flush and 3 points for a royal flush. I'm still thinking about the points for specific hands, let me know what you think, but the bounty point will start this week. So watch out Adam, there is a price on your head!
Regarding side pots:
The most important rule regarding side pots is that a player can't win more than he or she has put in from each other player in the pot.
An example: Player A moves all-in for $100. Player B also moves all-in, for $400. Player C, who has $800 in his stack, calls.
Player A can only win $100 each from the two other players, meaning that the main pot will be $300.
A side pot is then created for Player B and Player C. The remaining $300 from Player B's $400 bet will go into the side pot, and Player C will match that amount. Consequently, the side pot will be $600

Adam also brought up another idea. Bonus points, or bounty points. Award an extra point to the player who puts out the winner from the previous week's game. If the previous weeks winner wins again, then they would get a bonus point. We could also award bonus points for exceptional hands. 1 point for 4 of a kind, 2 points for a straight flush and 3 points for a royal flush. I'm still thinking about the points for specific hands, let me know what you think, but the bounty point will start this week. So watch out Adam, there is a price on your head!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
The 40 Year Old Virgin
Well, he's not quite 40, in fact he just turned 23, but his TNP winners cherry has been popped and Adam's now in the victory column for the first time in '08 at Thursday Night Poker. Another shocker was Deb's early exit. The rest of us just played our parts. So let's get to the narrative.
With her husband on vacation this week, Deb seemed to be playing a little fast and loose from the get go. Now I've never known her to exit a game early for any reason, but this helped ease the blow of being first out. She earned 1 point.
Leaving the table with 2 points was Nick, who has an appointment washing dogs tomorrow. (Nick, CALL THE DOCTOR)
Finally ending a streak of bad luck, Tanner made it to 3rd place before exiting and added 3 to his total.
I had my big chance to make up some distance Deb has on me, and I started out great. I had the hand of the night, quad 8s, but it wasn't enough and I had to settle for 4 points.
The final 3 was a long, drawn out battle. Jake, on the verge of elimination several times, battled back to the bitter end. I let him back in the first time, then Stevie, and round and round it went. Jake finally succumed and took home 5 points.
The heads up came down to two old nemisis. Stevie and Adam were roughly even in chips with the blinds at 1 and 2 hundred. Stevie misread a hand and called Adam's all in. Adam took the hand with a king completing a straight and mortally wounded Stevie. The blinds just happened to double to 2 and 4 hundred on the very next hand, and Stevie put in all he had. After calling for pocket aces all night, Adam finally got his wish and ended the game. Stevie adds 7.
For the first time this year, Adam finds himself with a check in the winners column, 9 points and something positive to cuss about! It was a long time coming but I doubt it'll be the last time we see him with all the chips at the end of the night. Congrats Adam. Here is the night by the numbers.
7. Deb 1
6. Nick 2
5. Tanner 3
4. Jeff 4
3. Jake 5
2. Stevie 7
1. Adam 9
Don't forget we'll be grilling next week in celebration of July 4. NO FIRECRACKER, NO PYROTECHNICS, NO SPARKLERS, NOTHING WITH FIRE! Just hamburgers, hot dogs, baked potato salad and the trimmings. Jake has already committed to 2 pecan pies, I'm taking care of the hot dogs. The rest of you leave a comment here in the poker blog and let me know what you'll be bringing. Until next week, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!
With her husband on vacation this week, Deb seemed to be playing a little fast and loose from the get go. Now I've never known her to exit a game early for any reason, but this helped ease the blow of being first out. She earned 1 point.
Leaving the table with 2 points was Nick, who has an appointment washing dogs tomorrow. (Nick, CALL THE DOCTOR)
Finally ending a streak of bad luck, Tanner made it to 3rd place before exiting and added 3 to his total.
I had my big chance to make up some distance Deb has on me, and I started out great. I had the hand of the night, quad 8s, but it wasn't enough and I had to settle for 4 points.
The final 3 was a long, drawn out battle. Jake, on the verge of elimination several times, battled back to the bitter end. I let him back in the first time, then Stevie, and round and round it went. Jake finally succumed and took home 5 points.
The heads up came down to two old nemisis. Stevie and Adam were roughly even in chips with the blinds at 1 and 2 hundred. Stevie misread a hand and called Adam's all in. Adam took the hand with a king completing a straight and mortally wounded Stevie. The blinds just happened to double to 2 and 4 hundred on the very next hand, and Stevie put in all he had. After calling for pocket aces all night, Adam finally got his wish and ended the game. Stevie adds 7.
For the first time this year, Adam finds himself with a check in the winners column, 9 points and something positive to cuss about! It was a long time coming but I doubt it'll be the last time we see him with all the chips at the end of the night. Congrats Adam. Here is the night by the numbers.
7. Deb 1
6. Nick 2
5. Tanner 3
4. Jeff 4
3. Jake 5
2. Stevie 7
1. Adam 9
Don't forget we'll be grilling next week in celebration of July 4. NO FIRECRACKER, NO PYROTECHNICS, NO SPARKLERS, NOTHING WITH FIRE! Just hamburgers, hot dogs, baked potato salad and the trimmings. Jake has already committed to 2 pecan pies, I'm taking care of the hot dogs. The rest of you leave a comment here in the poker blog and let me know what you'll be bringing. Until next week, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Family Reunion
We'll all be back together tomorrow night at the B & B. Regular schedule as TNP resumes its routine. Looking ahead, since our first TNP in July will be on the 3rd, let's cook out with burgers, dogs and all the trimmings! I'll make my chili and provide the dogs. We'll need hamburger patties, buns for dogs & burgers, lettuce, tomatos, onions & pickles. If anyone wants potato salad or baked beans, bring em. Soft drinks to. So plan now to celebrate the 4th at the B & B!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
"Night of the Living Dead"
Once again coming from a near early demise, Deb, our heroic leader wins the night.
Two weeks in a row and I am excited to report that ALL of us made it to the final table. I couldn't be more thrilled. Deb, Jake, Adam, Justin, Crystal, and myself (Mark) were all in attendance working whole heartedly for the top prize of 8 points.
Peaking early was Justin and myself as we were gettin the cards. They were for sure in our favor. Now a run-down of the night:
As we were approx. 45 min in the game I knew who our first 2 players of the night would be out, Deb and Adam and I must say that I was excited to know that these 2 great players were going to be out. I mean seriously, take your pick! Heads up against Deb OR Justin? I know who I would choose!! Jake continued to maintain his own, while Justin and I continued to do rather well. Crystal on the other hand was well.....sagging (haha) in the chip count.
As the play continued, the God of Luck showed his presence and shed light on Deb, Jake, Adam, Justin and Crystal. Noticed one name was left out. As play continued the chips were mostly passed around as we did not up the blinds until near the end of the night and that would therefore prove that the remaining players were playing on little to no sleep.
Deb was the first all in of the night to come back and win her first all in. Deb must have phoned a friend in Singapore as she was coming back and lashing the competitors. Secondly Justin decided to go all in with his weak amount of chips and the God of Luck was in favor of Justin as he won his. Each player EXCEPT for myself went all in and of course they won their all ins.
Several great hands were seen as there were, 4 of a kind 7's and 4 of a kind
Kings, and 4 of a kind Queens, several full houses and several straights, (excluding Deb and Crystal)
Near the end of the night, Adam decided that he was going to stay in as long as I did and FINALLY after much praying to the God of Luck, he decided to show me some love and Adam was out. Do not let Adam tell you he was tired and had to work early the next morning. His tall-tales can't keep going on like this.
To end the night, Justin was the first out, then Adam, then Me, follwed by Crystal, Jake, and the winner of the night, Deb, who whooped ass and took names. You go girl!!!!
I just want to add that Justin and I had a great time hosting at our home and I personally look forward to playing poker, conversing, and hanging out with an awesome crowd of friends. I think you guys and gals are awesome and I am glad that we are all friends, and that we have the opportunity to be who we truly are when were together. Thank you to everyone who attended poker.
Two weeks in a row and I am excited to report that ALL of us made it to the final table. I couldn't be more thrilled. Deb, Jake, Adam, Justin, Crystal, and myself (Mark) were all in attendance working whole heartedly for the top prize of 8 points.
Peaking early was Justin and myself as we were gettin the cards. They were for sure in our favor. Now a run-down of the night:
As we were approx. 45 min in the game I knew who our first 2 players of the night would be out, Deb and Adam and I must say that I was excited to know that these 2 great players were going to be out. I mean seriously, take your pick! Heads up against Deb OR Justin? I know who I would choose!! Jake continued to maintain his own, while Justin and I continued to do rather well. Crystal on the other hand was well.....sagging (haha) in the chip count.
As the play continued, the God of Luck showed his presence and shed light on Deb, Jake, Adam, Justin and Crystal. Noticed one name was left out. As play continued the chips were mostly passed around as we did not up the blinds until near the end of the night and that would therefore prove that the remaining players were playing on little to no sleep.
Deb was the first all in of the night to come back and win her first all in. Deb must have phoned a friend in Singapore as she was coming back and lashing the competitors. Secondly Justin decided to go all in with his weak amount of chips and the God of Luck was in favor of Justin as he won his. Each player EXCEPT for myself went all in and of course they won their all ins.
Several great hands were seen as there were, 4 of a kind 7's and 4 of a kind
Kings, and 4 of a kind Queens, several full houses and several straights, (excluding Deb and Crystal)
Near the end of the night, Adam decided that he was going to stay in as long as I did and FINALLY after much praying to the God of Luck, he decided to show me some love and Adam was out. Do not let Adam tell you he was tired and had to work early the next morning. His tall-tales can't keep going on like this.
To end the night, Justin was the first out, then Adam, then Me, follwed by Crystal, Jake, and the winner of the night, Deb, who whooped ass and took names. You go girl!!!!
I just want to add that Justin and I had a great time hosting at our home and I personally look forward to playing poker, conversing, and hanging out with an awesome crowd of friends. I think you guys and gals are awesome and I am glad that we are all friends, and that we have the opportunity to be who we truly are when were together. Thank you to everyone who attended poker.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Welcome to Wal-Mart
Ok, this is going to be straight (or gayly forward) and to the point. Fun game, fast paced, Stevie had a huge chip lead and it came down to the steel nerves of Mark to take him out! He agonized over Stevie's all in call, fearful of a flush beating his strong 2 pair. But after much hand wringing and consternation ( or was it constepation) Mark called Stevie's bluff and won the night. Here's the numbers
We all made the final table since we only used 1.
8. Jake 1
7. Tanner 2
6. Nick 3
5. Justin 4
4. Jeff 5
3. Deb 6
2. Stevie 8
1. Mark 10
That's it, I'm going to bed cause I leave for San Antonio in the morning! Don't forget, TNP will be at Mark & Justin's next week. Til then, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!
We all made the final table since we only used 1.
8. Jake 1
7. Tanner 2
6. Nick 3
5. Justin 4
4. Jeff 5
3. Deb 6
2. Stevie 8
1. Mark 10
That's it, I'm going to bed cause I leave for San Antonio in the morning! Don't forget, TNP will be at Mark & Justin's next week. Til then, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!
San Antonio Rose
Deep within my heart lies a melody,
A song of old San Antone.
Where in dreams I live with a memory,
beneath the stars all alone.
Well, it was there I found beside the Alamo,
Enchangment strange as the blue up above,
For that moonlit pass that only he would know
Still hears my broken song of love.
Moon in all your slpendor, known only to my heart,
call back my rose, rose of San Antone!
Lips so sweet and tender like pedals fallin apart,
Speak once again of my love, my own broken song,
Empty words I know still live in my heart all alone,
For that moonlit pass by the Alamo
And Rose, my Rose of San Antone!
Broken song, empty words, I know, still live in my heart all alone,
For that moonlit pass by the Alamo and Rose, my Rose of San Antone
My Rose, my Rose of San Antone!
Yep, tomorrow is departure day for some of us regular poker players. Tonight's the last night for a full crowd so if you're gonna make a move you better do it tonight. Don't forget next week the game will be at Mark & Justin's house, just a block north of the B & B. So shuffle up and deal some hearts, diamonds and roses!
A song of old San Antone.
Where in dreams I live with a memory,
beneath the stars all alone.
Well, it was there I found beside the Alamo,
Enchangment strange as the blue up above,
For that moonlit pass that only he would know
Still hears my broken song of love.
Moon in all your slpendor, known only to my heart,
call back my rose, rose of San Antone!
Lips so sweet and tender like pedals fallin apart,
Speak once again of my love, my own broken song,
Empty words I know still live in my heart all alone,
For that moonlit pass by the Alamo
And Rose, my Rose of San Antone!
Broken song, empty words, I know, still live in my heart all alone,
For that moonlit pass by the Alamo and Rose, my Rose of San Antone
My Rose, my Rose of San Antone!
Yep, tomorrow is departure day for some of us regular poker players. Tonight's the last night for a full crowd so if you're gonna make a move you better do it tonight. Don't forget next week the game will be at Mark & Justin's house, just a block north of the B & B. So shuffle up and deal some hearts, diamonds and roses!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Presenting the poll predictions
Deb's remaining in first place, while not a certainty, was really never in doubt.
Crystal's remaing at the top of the "middle of the standings" heap was predicted, but in doubt until her flight was cancelled.
And, barring Adam's vote, the fact that he needs help was unanimous!
Tanner did not retake his lead, so we missed this one.
Adam did hold off Nick.
Dam gays!
Crystal's remaing at the top of the "middle of the standings" heap was predicted, but in doubt until her flight was cancelled.
And, barring Adam's vote, the fact that he needs help was unanimous!
Tanner did not retake his lead, so we missed this one.
Adam did hold off Nick.
Dam gays!
Friday, June 6, 2008
The Sopranos

Jake, tired of having hit after hit put out on him, decided to hit back last night, and with a vengeance, that's exactly what he did! Hard! And Crytsal, originally scheduled to leave for Ft. Worth, had her plans changed by mother nature and was able to not only play but put up some serious points last night. Mark to, able to play for the first time in weeks, made his presence known. A rare appearance by Devin and a first timer to TNP, Ben, rounded out the cast of characters assembled to help Adam celebrate yet another year on the planet known as Earth. So sit back, grab some popcorn and a kevlar vest as we sort out the bodies from last night's massacre!
Trying to play hard ball with the big guns and taking an early bullet, Justin, after retrieving Crystal from the air port, was deep sixed first with 1 point.
Soon to follow Justin's early demise, trying to recapture his lead over Stevie, Tanner got caught up in the cross fire and ended the night with 2 points.
Though he didn't best Stevie last night, Tanner was helped by more errant gunfire from his table when Stevie himself was mortally wounded and left the game with 3 points, ensuring his 3rd place standing.
No mercy was shown when Ben, first timer to TNP and innocent victim in the violence that erupts every Thursday night, was taken out with 4 points.
Hoping to dampen Adam's birthday celebration by denying him points and taking a lead over him, Nick couldn't fend off the brutal attacks being waged all around him and had to duck for cover and only 5 points.
Seeing the bloodshed all around him, Devin threw up his hands and surrendered to authorities, leaving the crime scene with 6 points and his life.
Hoping to close the gap with Deb, needing as many points as I could muster, the crowd that assembled for the brawl could have brought me to within 1, but the onslaught of lead beat me back and I had to scurry away with 7.
Right on my heels, after bragging that the night would be his simply because it was his birthday and he was due, Adam survived long enough to garner 8 points and a lease on another year of life.
Making the top 3 and growing weary from a day of meetings and a night of rumbling, Mark gave up the fight from shear exhaustion and settled for 9 points.
Surprising everyone with her appearance and her play, Crystal fought valiantly until the bitter end but simply couldn't overcome the ammunition Jake had accumulated and left the game with 11 points.
Finally, with the carnage all around him, Jake stood up amongst the wreckage and triumphanly declared "Hit me! Come on, hit me now mother frakkers!" The bullet ridden walls, tables, chairs a stark testiment to the battle just waged and the victims who had fallen. Having grown weary of taking hits, Jake returned the favor and from very early in the game amassed an arsenal of chips that was simply too much for anyone to overcome. When it's your night it's your night and from the beginning Jake, with his quad 5s, made it known he wasn't here to take another hit. No, tonight he was delivering them. So with his first ever win at TNP and 13 points, the gangland war is delcared and God help anyone caught in the middle. Congrats Jake, but take care, we'll be gunning for ya next week. Revenge is a powerful motivator.
Here's a look at the crime scene, by the numbers.
Jake's quad 5s
11. Justin 1
10. Tanner 2
9. Stevie 3
8. Ben 4
7. Nick 5
6. Devin 6
5. Jeff 7
4. Adam 8
3. Mark 9
2. Crystal 11
1. Jake 13
Next week we'll have Deb back from her vacation. And once again we'll gather for another shoot out at the TNP hideout! Until then, may all your cards be live, your pots be monsters and your ammo clip never empty!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
With our two straight players out of town tonight, namely Deb & Crystal, that'll leave queens & queers to fight over food & points. Deb is on vacation with her family at Six Flags in Arlington, and Crystal is in Ft. Worth bringing her family home. While being absent usually leaves you vulnerable, Deb's lead is big enough that she's safe this week. Even if I could win, there won't be enough points for me to make up the deficit. So, all I can do is try to close the gap and keep competitive for when I'll be gone next week. Adam has thrown down the gauntlet and guaranteed he'll win tonight. I think the rest of us will have something to say about that, birthday or not! Stevie will likely be dragging ass. He had an appointment today that cut short his sleep time. Mark & Justin, Nick, Jake & Tanner will round out our competitors tonight. So we'll see who will don makeup and a dress to replace the two ladies who's beauty, grace and charm shall be sorely missed tonight. Mark? Justin?
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
The Last Supper

So far I've got Nick bringing potato salad and I'm providing some polish sausage & brats. If it's too much of a hassle each month for these meals, then I think we should make this the last one. Trouble is, too few will commit early enough before the day we eat to make sure we have enough food for everyone. I get several calls just before it's time to eat saying "what do you need?" Without having the menu secured at least a day before, we risk not having enough or everyone scrambling at the last minute and duplicating what someone else is bringing. Also, I realize everyone has a schedule they have to juggle. In order to get the meal in before we start poker, we need to eat early and that makes it difficult for some to even know if they'll be able to make it. In the future we could have meal night but make it BOYF, and that way it's up to everyone to bring whatever they're going to eat themselves. I just thought it was nice to have some home cooked meals for the group but that may just be too much trouble. So, let's get this one done tomorrow night and decide from there. I still need someone to bring a cookie/cake, and something to go with grilled sausage, brats & potato salad. Otherwise, it's going to be slim pickins.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Polling results
Yep, not only is she in her 5th week at #1, but it's likely, even though she'll be gone this week, it'll be 6!
We blew this one! Stevie did indeed pass Tanner!
The Nick passing Adam question became entangled in the recount contraversy, so this one gets tossed out.
This one we got right. Crystal is on top of this heap!
Dam gays!
Everyone loved Crystal's new doo!
This was a run away, Deb shakes worse than a quake in China!
We blew this one! Stevie did indeed pass Tanner!
The Nick passing Adam question became entangled in the recount contraversy, so this one gets tossed out.
This one we got right. Crystal is on top of this heap!
Dam gays!
Everyone loved Crystal's new doo!
This was a run away, Deb shakes worse than a quake in China!
Don't forget!

This Thursday is our monthly feast! I'll be grilling Polish sausage, brats, pork chops or anything else you want to bring! Road kill is acceptable, Crystal is bringing a cat! Also, I need someone to bring baked potato salad and a cookie cake. We could also use chips, corn on the cob, baked beans, whatever! Adam's birthday will be celebrated, along with anyone elses birthday, anniversary, whatever! So leave me a comment and let me know what you'll be bringing! It's time to grill!

The current standings have been checked, rechecked and audited and are now confirmed! Adam's report is thorough, detailed and available for review. My thanks to Adam for his quick and concise audit of the TNP books. In order to prevent this from happening in the future, he'll be conducting this audit on a monthly basis. Sorry for any inconvenience. It is of the utmost priority that the integrity of the TNP standings be kept above reproach.
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