So far I've got Nick bringing potato salad and I'm providing some polish sausage & brats. If it's too much of a hassle each month for these meals, then I think we should make this the last one. Trouble is, too few will commit early enough before the day we eat to make sure we have enough food for everyone. I get several calls just before it's time to eat saying "what do you need?" Without having the menu secured at least a day before, we risk not having enough or everyone scrambling at the last minute and duplicating what someone else is bringing. Also, I realize everyone has a schedule they have to juggle. In order to get the meal in before we start poker, we need to eat early and that makes it difficult for some to even know if they'll be able to make it. In the future we could have meal night but make it BOYF, and that way it's up to everyone to bring whatever they're going to eat themselves. I just thought it was nice to have some home cooked meals for the group but that may just be too much trouble. So, let's get this one done tomorrow night and decide from there. I still need someone to bring a cookie/cake, and something to go with grilled sausage, brats & potato salad. Otherwise, it's going to be slim pickins.
sorry i wont be there tommrrow night as ill be on my way to ft worth... for the last time woohooo
but i hope we can get things together better next time..i always enjoy someone else cooking as im not the best at it...you know burn the water kinda thing
LOL True. Not to mention silverware! Have a safe trip.
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