Jake, tired of having hit after hit put out on him, decided to hit back last night, and with a vengeance, that's exactly what he did! Hard! And Crytsal, originally scheduled to leave for Ft. Worth, had her plans changed by mother nature and was able to not only play but put up some serious points last night. Mark to, able to play for the first time in weeks, made his presence known. A rare appearance by Devin and a first timer to TNP, Ben, rounded out the cast of characters assembled to help Adam celebrate yet another year on the planet known as Earth. So sit back, grab some popcorn and a kevlar vest as we sort out the bodies from last night's massacre!
Trying to play hard ball with the big guns and taking an early bullet, Justin, after retrieving Crystal from the air port, was deep sixed first with 1 point.
Soon to follow Justin's early demise, trying to recapture his lead over Stevie, Tanner got caught up in the cross fire and ended the night with 2 points.
Though he didn't best Stevie last night, Tanner was helped by more errant gunfire from his table when Stevie himself was mortally wounded and left the game with 3 points, ensuring his 3rd place standing.
No mercy was shown when Ben, first timer to TNP and innocent victim in the violence that erupts every Thursday night, was taken out with 4 points.
Hoping to dampen Adam's birthday celebration by denying him points and taking a lead over him, Nick couldn't fend off the brutal attacks being waged all around him and had to duck for cover and only 5 points.
Seeing the bloodshed all around him, Devin threw up his hands and surrendered to authorities, leaving the crime scene with 6 points and his life.
Hoping to close the gap with Deb, needing as many points as I could muster, the crowd that assembled for the brawl could have brought me to within 1, but the onslaught of lead beat me back and I had to scurry away with 7.
Right on my heels, after bragging that the night would be his simply because it was his birthday and he was due, Adam survived long enough to garner 8 points and a lease on another year of life.
Making the top 3 and growing weary from a day of meetings and a night of rumbling, Mark gave up the fight from shear exhaustion and settled for 9 points.
Surprising everyone with her appearance and her play, Crystal fought valiantly until the bitter end but simply couldn't overcome the ammunition Jake had accumulated and left the game with 11 points.
Finally, with the carnage all around him, Jake stood up amongst the wreckage and triumphanly declared "Hit me! Come on, hit me now mother frakkers!" The bullet ridden walls, tables, chairs a stark testiment to the battle just waged and the victims who had fallen. Having grown weary of taking hits, Jake returned the favor and from very early in the game amassed an arsenal of chips that was simply too much for anyone to overcome. When it's your night it's your night and from the beginning Jake, with his quad 5s, made it known he wasn't here to take another hit. No, tonight he was delivering them. So with his first ever win at TNP and 13 points, the gangland war is delcared and God help anyone caught in the middle. Congrats Jake, but take care, we'll be gunning for ya next week. Revenge is a powerful motivator.
Here's a look at the crime scene, by the numbers.
Jake's quad 5s
11. Justin 1
10. Tanner 2
9. Stevie 3
8. Ben 4
7. Nick 5
6. Devin 6
5. Jeff 7
4. Adam 8
3. Mark 9
2. Crystal 11
1. Jake 13
Next week we'll have Deb back from her vacation. And once again we'll gather for another shoot out at the TNP hideout! Until then, may all your cards be live, your pots be monsters and your ammo clip never empty!
How did you know that "The Soprano's" is one of my favorite TV series?!?!?!?
Have you been spying on me Jeff?!?
Not spying, it's just one of my favs also!
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