Friday, September 26, 2008


The final game of TNP Phase 1 did not go out with a whimper but with a bang! Upsets, quads, straight flushes and a first time winner were hallmarks of the concluding contest in Phase 1. Mark suggested that since this was the last of the Phase 1 games, all points should be doubled. Good idea Mark! So let's jump right into the report.

Having the point lead sown up, Deb really wasn't worried about her finish. Still, this consumate winner never likes to lose but after some lousy hands and never drawing a pot, she went all in before a card was dealt. $350 at stake from her, me & Nick and sure enough, it just wasn't her night. First out with 1 point x 2 = 2 points.

Our rookie, Bobby, was out next. He's got the makings to be a great player, needing some time at the table to get the nuances down. Second out with 2 points x 2 = 4 He was kind enough to deal for us the rest of the night. Adam was at the Seinfeld show. Bobby assured us Adam would be UP all night. I'm eager to hear about that!

Crystal took an early dive, ending in 3rd place. She's never satisfied. Put her at one table, she wants to be at the other. Ugh! 3 points x 2 = 6

Justin was out next, unwilling to remove his hat even though he was indoors. I must say, however, his new hair cut really did look good, and to you his words, it's "age appropriate". 4 points x 2 = 8

Par for the course, Mark was out soon after Justin. Nick's call of Mark's stone cold bluff pissed him off. Even Bobby was a little scared when Mark barked "You want me to deal"! I assured Bobby that was just Mark and to think nothing of it. 5 points x 2 = 10

I was out next. Deb's early exit and doubling the points helped me close the gap with her. So, I took her bounty and the points were thus: 6 + 1 = 7 x 2 = 14

Markus made a return for the final Phase 1 game and did a dam good job. He had quad 7s to help increase his standing. 7 + 1 = 8 x 2 = 16

The heads up came down to Chris & Nick. Once Markus was eliminated, the stood and said let's split it. I said hell no, we're not going to end the final Phase 1 like that. After doing a dead eye reckoning of each chip stack, I determined they were as even as could possibly be. One final had to determine the winner. Chris came up on the short end of the hand but wasn't hurt that bad. For you see, earlier in the evening he'd made a straight flush, 9-K of spades. 8 + 1 + 2 = 11 x 2 = 22

Wonders never cease! Nick won! Hallelujah! Appropriate that Nick's first win was our last Phase 1. Congratulations Nick! 10 + 1 = 11 X 2 = 22

And so ends our legendary TNP Phase 1. It's been a blast. But now we embark on a new adventure where the pots are bigger, the game more intense and the challenges just keep coming. We'll see everyone next Thursday night at 7 and until then may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!

9. Deb 1 x 2 = 2
8. Bobby 2 x 2 = 4
7. Crystal 3 x 2 = 6
6. Justin 4 x 2 = 8
5. Mark 5 x 2 = 10
4. Jeff 6 + 1 = 7 x 2 = 14
3. Markus 7 + 1 = 8 x 2 = 16
2. Chris 9 + 2 = 11 x 2 = 22
1. Nick 11 x 2 = 22

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Join us as we bid a fond farewell.......

For the better part of 4 years, we've been playing poker on Thursday nights in much the same way. Tonight we bid a fond farewell to TNP Phase 1. It's been a blast, but now it's time to up the ante and play like the pros. The final game for Phase 1 is tonight at 7PM. A tournament is in the works to lay phase 1 to rest and we'll be getting details to you as soon as we get the kinks worked out. Right now it's looking like a heads up tournament with the byes and beginning chip stacks being determined by a formula that takes into consideration points and games played. Look for this tournament some time in late October. And Phase 2 begins next week with new rules, chips and excitement! The following Thursday, October 9th, we'll have our monthly feed bag with "Breakfast for Dinner". Pancakes, egges, hash browns, sausage, bacon, ham, toast, gravy, biscuits, what ever you want to bring. So, we'll see you tonight!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Announcing TNP Phase 2!

At our last game, after having mentioned it here in the blog, a concensus was reached with only 1 dissenter. Therefore, the majority having voted in the affirmative, we start TNP Phase 2 on October 2, 2008!

What does this mean? For starters, we're wiping the slate clean. Deb had the same opinion as I did. It'll be more fun if everyone is in contention for first place. So, this Thursday will be the last game for Phase 1. Adam is working on a weighting system for a final game to determine the ultimate winner of Phase 1. The number of chips you'll be given to start the game will be determined by the amount of points you accumulated during the year. Adam's coming up with a formula so that it won't be too skewed to Deb & myself. Once this is done, we'll have a final game, probably on Sunday, October 12, starting at about 4 in the afternoon and crown our ulitimate winner for Phase 1.

As for Phase 2, the following changes are in store. We'll be instituting antes in conjunction with the blinds. Antes will begin with level 4. Blinds will be as usual, however, the starting chip count is going up. And there will be minimum bets. Here's the break down.

Level 1 No Ante Small Blind 10 Big Blind 20
Level 2 No Ante Small Blind 20 Big Blind 40
Level 3 No Ante Small Blind 25 Big Blind 50
Level 4 $10 Ante Small Blind 25 Big Blind 50
Level 5 $25 Ante Small Blind 25 Big Blind 50
Level 6 $25 Ante Small Blind 50 Big Blind 75
Level 7 $50 Ante Small Blind 50 Big Blind 75
Level 8 $50 Ante Small Blind 75 Big Blind 100
Level 9 $75 Ante Small Blind 75 Big Blind 100
Level 10 $100 Ante Small Blind 100 Big Blind 200

Starting chip count is 10 RED 10 BLUE 10 WHITE 2 GREEN ($500). Clock will be strictly enforced. Pots will be bigger but so is the starting total number of chips. We've been playing for a long time basically the same way. Now we're going to bump it up a bit and play more like the professionals. This should also eliminate the need for split winners and should get us out of the game no later than 11 or 11:30, even with the increased starting chips.

So, welcome to the big leagues, let's shuffle up and deal some real poker!

For a sneak peek at the new TNP Phase 2, go here:

Report from the Thursday, September 18, 2008 game

Lots to eat. Nick brought Chicken Express, Adam & Bobby a huge chocolate chiffon cake, Chris fortune cookies, Mark & Justin chopped bbq brisket from Henks, Crystal cookies, Deb ice cream and I had left over Bobby stew.

As for the game, let's see, who was out first? Oh yeah, Justin.

Next to exit was me! It's a conspiracy I tell ya!

Nick was next, improving over his performance of the past 2 weeks.

Crystal soon followed.

Chris' fortune cookies couldn't predict a win for him so he bowed out.

Some guy trying to impersonate Mark was next to leave. His "Christian" alter ego lasted about 40 minutes. I think Bobby wasn't too scared once the REAL Mark decided to show up. I'm still worried about Brandon though.

Making his TNP debut and meeting Mark for the first time, Bobby did a great job (with a little help from Adam) and survived his first encounter with Mark.

Came down to Deb & Adam. With the special announcement having been decided, Deb was gracious and bowed out. Adam had to get Bobby back to his house.

So Adam won! Here's the scoring breakdown.

9. Justin 1
8. Jeff 2
7. Nick 3
6. Crystal 4
5. Chris 5
4. Mark aka the Reverend Peachtreehigginbottom 6
3. Bobby 7
2. Deb 9
1. Adam 12 (including 1 for Deb's bounty)

Remember, starting time is 7pm so we'll see you Thursday and until then, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

TNP Phase 2

Special Announcement coming soon!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

It's gonna be a hoot!

To say I'm looking forward to tomorrow night's TNP, for reasons other than food and poker, would be an understatement. Remember, 7pm start time. We'll eat whatever we bring then play some hold'em!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Guess who's coming to dinner....

About what food to bring Thursday night, I know we said Chinese, and feel free to bring any kind of oriental food, but because I've got so much Bobby stew left, that's what I'm providing. So I guess we can call it pot luck again. If it's edible, bring it and we'll edible it!