Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Report from the Thursday, September 18, 2008 game

Lots to eat. Nick brought Chicken Express, Adam & Bobby a huge chocolate chiffon cake, Chris fortune cookies, Mark & Justin chopped bbq brisket from Henks, Crystal cookies, Deb ice cream and I had left over Bobby stew.

As for the game, let's see, who was out first? Oh yeah, Justin.

Next to exit was me! It's a conspiracy I tell ya!

Nick was next, improving over his performance of the past 2 weeks.

Crystal soon followed.

Chris' fortune cookies couldn't predict a win for him so he bowed out.

Some guy trying to impersonate Mark was next to leave. His "Christian" alter ego lasted about 40 minutes. I think Bobby wasn't too scared once the REAL Mark decided to show up. I'm still worried about Brandon though.

Making his TNP debut and meeting Mark for the first time, Bobby did a great job (with a little help from Adam) and survived his first encounter with Mark.

Came down to Deb & Adam. With the special announcement having been decided, Deb was gracious and bowed out. Adam had to get Bobby back to his house.

So Adam won! Here's the scoring breakdown.

9. Justin 1
8. Jeff 2
7. Nick 3
6. Crystal 4
5. Chris 5
4. Mark aka the Reverend Peachtreehigginbottom 6
3. Bobby 7
2. Deb 9
1. Adam 12 (including 1 for Deb's bounty)

Remember, starting time is 7pm so we'll see you Thursday and until then, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!

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