Friday, September 12, 2008

The winds of change

Ok, the movie format is getting old. At least for me. It was fun for a while but it's becoming increasingly difficult to find movies to match the personalites and conditions of the game plus it takes longer. I may return to this later on, or move on to TV, but for the forseeable future I'm returning to a regular narrative.

Let's see, everyone arrived around 8ish. Adam, Mark, Justin & myself having just come from the Chamber BBQ and filling our guts to the limit.

Nick was out first but this was mostly due to the fact that he was working on grading papers. His attention was definitely somewhere else. Mostly on school but also on Brandon. Nick, like last week, added 1 point.

Mark, after doing so well last week, was out next. Deb took him out and captured his bounty point. And of course Justin was out next because Mark was out, tired and ready to go home.

Chris was next to exit, followed by Crystal. She, however, earned an extra point for quads. She announced her achievment by simply tossing out her 4th 6 and saying "I'll take an extra point". She & Adam were aggravating each other all night.

Adam made the final 3 by taking a large chunk of Deb's chips which she wound up taking back.

The heads up came down to Deb & myself. I started the final 3 doing really well, getting some decent hands while Deb & Adam were being dealt squadush. But the tables started to turn even before it came down to just us 2. About 5 minutes after Adam left I had Ace Queen of clubs and 2 clubs on the board. The blinds were up to 2 & 4 hundred and I was running out of chips fast. There was a straight waiting to be made and Deb put me all in. I gambled and lost.

So Deb earned an extra point from Mark and 1 for her quad jacks, I think it was jacks. I'll check the log book when I get home and correct it if necessary.

I'm honestly looking forward to the first of the year when we can wipe the slate clean and start everyone at square 1. It's more fun when you have several people vying for the top spot instead of just 2. Here's the breakdown.

8. Nick 1
7. Mark 2
6. Justin 3
5. Chris 4
4. Crystal 6 (including 1 bonus for quad 6s)
3. Adam 6
2. Jeff 8
1. Deb 13 (including 1 bonus for quad jacks & 1 bonus for Mark's bounty & 1 bonus for retaining her own bounty point)

Deb seems unstoppable and with the final quarter of the year fast approaching I'm going to have to make a move soon if I want a chance. Remember, next week we start at 7 and we'll do our monthy meal next week, oriental food. Rice, noodles, pork, chicken, beef, EGG ROLLS, whatever you want to bring. See you then and till next time, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!

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