Thursday, September 25, 2008

Join us as we bid a fond farewell.......

For the better part of 4 years, we've been playing poker on Thursday nights in much the same way. Tonight we bid a fond farewell to TNP Phase 1. It's been a blast, but now it's time to up the ante and play like the pros. The final game for Phase 1 is tonight at 7PM. A tournament is in the works to lay phase 1 to rest and we'll be getting details to you as soon as we get the kinks worked out. Right now it's looking like a heads up tournament with the byes and beginning chip stacks being determined by a formula that takes into consideration points and games played. Look for this tournament some time in late October. And Phase 2 begins next week with new rules, chips and excitement! The following Thursday, October 9th, we'll have our monthly feed bag with "Breakfast for Dinner". Pancakes, egges, hash browns, sausage, bacon, ham, toast, gravy, biscuits, what ever you want to bring. So, we'll see you tonight!


Anonymous said...


Admiral Ross said...

You've never heard of egges? Idiot! They're from swans, very rare and expensive. We serve only the best!