Saturday, February 2, 2008

Cash game at the B & B

What started out to be simply watching LOST with Adam turned into a cash game at the B & B last night. Myself, Adam, Stevie, Tanner, Killian & Paul each put up a whole dollar and threw caution to the wind and shuffled the cards for a winner take all event. From first out to the winner, here's how the night unfolded.

I don't know why I suck so bad at cash games, but I was out first.

Next out was the player who put me out, Paul.

Following Paul was Killian, who definitely improved over his past few performances here at the APC and at TNP.

Next out, not having any luck last night was Tanner.

This left the heads up between two frequent winners, both at the APC and at TNP. The odds on favorite, based on his past performance in cash games here at the B & B had to be Stevie. He had a sizable chip lead throughout the game as he put Paul out and had great hands for most of the night. However, Stevie's old nemisis Adam wasn't going out without a fight. And fight he did! Coming on strong at the end with full houses, Adam prevailed and took home the coveted $6! What a night!

So, until next Thursday or the next impromptu game here at the B & B, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters. Shuffle up and deal!

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