Thursday, February 14, 2008

Poker is for lovers!

Well, a Valentines Day editon of TNP has concluded with some big upsets and some movement on the stats board. Some absences, namely Tanner & Chris, provided a chance for some to move up, so from last to first, here's how the night ended.

Out of a field of 12 players, our first player out tonight was a bit of a surprise after her impressive showing last week. Carrie ended the night with 1 point.

Next to bow out was a new comer and friend of Killian, Elisabeth with 2 points.

Another new player, Andrew, friend of Markus and Carrie, ended the night with 3 points.

Next out was Nick. No rookie here, but it was his first showing in '08 and he finished with 4 points.

Skyler bowed out next with 5 points.

Arriving late from work and starting with a deficit of chips, Paul placed 7th with 6 points.

I had my big chance tonight to really close in on Tanner and put a little distance between me and the pack, but the cards were against me and I finished 6th with 7 points.

Next out was Markus, who markedly improved over his previous showing with 8 points.

Deb made the top 4, much better than last week, and added 9 points to her total.

One player, absent from the top 3 for quite some time, Stevie made a good showing tonight, since he's off tomorrow, and was able to rack up 10 points.

Our heads up game came down to two veterans of TNP, but both have been absent from the regular game for quite some time. Having amassed a sizable chip lead before moving to the feature table, Killian's luck and great hands continued and he put out Lisa in second place with 12 points.

For his first place finish tonight, Killian earned 14 points and moved up substantially in the standings.

So here's how it all panned out. Cupid's arrows were flying and a lucky few ended with love and, more importantly, CHIPS!


There you have it! Each game becomes critical now as the field tightens up and fewer and fewer points seperate each player. May you each find the desire of you heart and Happy Valentine's Day!

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