Friday, February 22, 2008

Close but no cigar!

Well, I had my chance tonight, but due to my poor vision and lack of concentration, Tanner's lead remains intact. Smaller crowd but enough points to make some changes in the standings. So, from last to first here's how it panned out.

Out of a field of 10 players, a new comer, Jessee, brother of Lisa, was out first tonight with 1 point.

Next out was Skylar with 2 points.

After taking a day off from work, Nick was feeling a bit under the weather most of the day and ended the game with 3 points.

After splitting a few too many hands, Crystal was finally put out with 4 points and was none too happy about it let me tell you!

Lisa was ousted next with 5 points.

Next out was Tanner, leaving the table with 6 points and his top spot in the standings in jeopardy.

Deb made the final 4 and earned 7 points.

I actually made the top 3 and if I hadn't mis read my hand could have done better, but I had to settle for 8 points.

This left Chris and Stevie vying for the top spot in tonight's game. Stevie feigned being tired and wanting to leave soon and this led Deb to go all in and he put her out. His chip lead was too much to overcome and he won the night and left Chris with 10 points.

For his first win in '08 Stevie earned 12 points and moves up in the rankings. So here's the official results from tonight's game.


Congratulations Stevie on a game well played! See you all next Thursday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well my chip lead wasn't just too much to over come. chris and I both went all in and if he had beat me he would have practically won the game leaving me few chips. but my flush beat his 3 of a kind.