Thursday, March 6, 2008

And blow they did!

The forcast was for wind, and blow they did. The winds of change have blown Tanner off the top spot for the first time since record keeping started and tonight we have a new leader. Here's how the storm developed, matured and ended.

With so many nipping at his heels, the worst thing Tanner could do tonight was go out first, yet that's just what he did. I think he was having sympathy pains for Stevie, so Tanner left the game with 1 point.

Stevie should have stayed home, as he was sick and barely able to stay awake. Take 2 points Stevie and call me in the morning!

Making a return visit, since she was off today and it was before her bed time, Crystal nevertheless could only muster 3 points tonight.

Shane made an appearance tonight and garnered 4 points.

Lisa started out slow, built up quite a few chips, but had to leave the table with 5 points.

I made the top 3 this week, much improved after last weeks dismal performance, and added 6 points to my total.

Once again, Deb made the heads up match with Chris. Her style of play this week was much different from recent games and for a while looked like the power player of before. Battling back from several all in bets, playing much more aggressive, she was done in on her last all in by Chris and was able to net 8 points.

The new leader, winning for the second week in a row, with 10 points, was Chris. He got this forcast right!

Here's how the night broke down.


The top 5 are still running neck and neck so expect more changes soon. Until next time may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters! Have a great weekend everyone.

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