Thursday, March 13, 2008

A New Hope

Laughter, clean air, no tension or stress, comfortable seating, could it get any better? YES, cause I won! For the first time in recent memory. Let's look at how it played out.

Making his TNP debut, but certainly no new comer, Justin, sporting green hair and nails, finished the night with 1 point.

Next out was Deb, who graciously dealt the rest of the night, with 2 points.

Nick, having made the top 3, ended up with a near anxiety attack, 2 cups of coffee, severe ADD, coaching tips from Adam and 3 points.

The heads up came down to two old nemisis. Also making his TNP debut and leaving with 5 points was Mark. Ask him how to play 6-3 off suit next time you see him.

Well, I finally did it. Winning for the first time since I kept score on my cave wall I added 7 points to my total to take first place! WOOT!

Here's how it looks in graph form:


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