Thursday, March 20, 2008

On this first day of spring......

Once again, laughter, food, fellowship and cards were the order of the evening. Myself, Markus, Deb, Shane and making a return after a 2 week abscence, Tanner. Nick dropped by later to observe. Deb & Shane brought pizza and it was delish. Here's how the events unfolded.

Tonight we inaugurated our first DOT on TNP. It was a smashing success. However, not everyone was successful, and bowing out first tonight was Shane with 1 point. Something Deb found particularly satisfying.

Next out was Markus, leaving the table with 2 points.

Deb, playing well and making it to the top 3, still had to concentrate on the Omaha part of DOT and ended her run with 3 points.

Heads up tonight came down to Tanner and myself. I peaked early, but held in there. Tanner was running late to meet friends so played a little loose at the end, costing him the game but leaving him with 5 points.

For the second week in a row, I ended the night with 7 points and my second victory in a row. After telling Wes of my success, he mentioned that it might have something to do with home field advantage. He cautioned that I might find myself home alone with everyone returning to Sassy's! I hope he's wrong. Here's how the night looks by the numbers.


And that's the way it is, Thursday, March 20, 2008. This is Walter Cronkite, CBS News, good night.

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