Thursday, February 28, 2008

Missed opportunities for some

Ugh, it's hard to win when you can't get decent cards! So close and yet so far for so many, but Tanner will end up with his 2 month winning streak intact. Smaller crowd, therefore fewer points, so the damage was limited. Here are the results.

With my sights on Tanner and within 3 points, I could ill afford to be first out, yet that's exactly what happened and I ended up with 1 point.

Next out was Stevie, also within striking distance but because he was second out, he won't be moving up either. Stevie garnered 2 points.

Tanner and his 3 points went out next, so while he didn't win tonight, his lock on first place remains because Stevie & I couldn't get squadush!

Lisa was getting some good cards, namely Aces! And her all in hand was a winner, that is until the river when Chris' two pair suddenly became a full house and beat her straight. Lisa left the table with 4 points.

Deb made the heads up match but was so far behind in chips there was little doubt as to the outcome, so her night ended with 6 points.

Chris once again found himself at the winning end of the spectrum and jumped into a tie for second place with 8 points. Here's the breakdown.


Tune in next week, same bat time, same bat channel!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, at least Deb has friends...