Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mark's 27th, 28th or 29th birthday!

You decide! I think it's 28, but it could be 29. Anyway, Thursday night I'm cooking spaghetti. Mark is making his own birthday cake. So I need people to bring salad, garlic bread and drinks. I know we've already had our July meal but since it is the last day of the month and it's Mark's burfday, this will do. Happy 29th Mark!

Deb & Crystal are bringing garlic bread!
Adam drinks
Markus Salad
Mark & Justin dessert


Anonymous said...

Its not the last day of the month you nimrod!! Thirty days hath september, april, june and november, all the rest have 31 except for february!!

Admiral Ross said...

LMAO too funny

Anonymous said...

jeff ill bring bread unless you tell me someone already is


Anonymous said...

I'll bring some drinks.

- adam