Friday, April 25, 2008

Casino Royale

Great Ceasar's Ghost, what a night at TNP. The hand of hands, struggling back from near elimination, nail biting action and concessions were the hallmarks of last night's contest. One table was volatile, with an explosion possible at any time. The other, calm, cool, collected. Crystal, absent from play, did observe late in the contest, yet we did have 2 boobs there, Adam & Nick, to play. So, without further ado, let's jump right into the narrative.



Continuing a trend he'd just as soon end, Markus, for the 3rd week in a row, was the first to leave although he played well and was able to concentrate more on the game and less on Jake, even though they were seated next to each other at the same table.

Mark was next to leave the contest, capturing 2 points for his efforts.

Wouldn't you know it, Justin was eliminated next with 3 points, assuring a tie between he and Mark.

Struggling early on, yet finding ways to stay alive, Adam was next to leave, sacrificing LOST in the process, for 4 points.

Playing strong at the calm table, Deb's luck ran out when we joined the VOLATILE table and left the game with 5 points. Much to her chagrin, this left me assured of the top spot.

Lasting until the final 5 were determined, Jake was the next to take home his points for the night, adding 6 to his total.

Having achieved my goal when Deb was eliminated, I was satisfied to end in the top 4, but my exit was done in grand fashion which I'll epand upon shortly. I added 7 points to reclaim a very slim lead over Deb.

Making the top 3, Tanner was in for quite a fight. But, as in a few weeks ago, the real contest here was for second place. He and Nick-o-lot-a-pus battled back and forth, but it was soon resolved when Tanner was finally defeated with 8 points as a reward.

Upon Tanner's removal, Nick, as Mark did a few weeks ago, conceded the match immediately and added 10 points to close to within 1 of Adam, and leaving Crystal in the distance. His ADD wasn't too bad, he didn't expose himself last night. But he did fold a decent diamond flush that could have garnered him quite a number of chips and might have made him more competitive against the chip monger, Stevie.

The winner of the night, in grand fashion, was Stevie. Having accumulated quite a chip lead, he was far ahead of anyone else and that's why Nick called it a night. I mentioned my demise being done with flair earlier. Well, to put me out, Stevie already had a straight to kill my pair of kings, but just before the river card was turned over, he called for and got the king of aces, giving him a
ROYAL FLUSH!!!! If I'm going to get beat, I want to be BEAT, and Stevie certainly did that. So, adding his second victory, along with 12 points, Stevie is closing in on Tanner and distancing himself from Adam and Nick. Congrats Stevie!

So there you have it. The Casino Royale is closed until next week, when rivalries will continue in a new contest. A heads up tourney is scheduled, along with a buffet of Mexican pile on. We've already had our first casualty for next week, as Mark, rather than risk disharmony at home, has conceded his seat and will not participate. The rest of the pack eagerly awaits the new format. The seeds are set, the chips are ready and the points waiting to be apportioned. Here's the break down from last night.


Now, how did the polls do? Well, I barely came out on top, so that one was correct. Crystal's boobs remain deflated, her inability to play last night costing her a lot, so that's 2 that were right on. Justin and Mark are tied, so that will be determined next week. Actually, it already is, since Mark has withdrawn. 3 right. Nick didn't expose himself, so we missed that one. Tanner's 16 points out of 1st place, so that one has yet to be determined. Stevie's put off buying a house for the forseeable future, so that one is correct. Adam suffered whiplash Wednesday night at Hasting's, so that one is a given. Markus & Jake weren't so inseperable this week, so their disability seems to be in remission. Be sure and look for new polls coming soon.

Until next week, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!

Adam reminded me, in a comment, about the risk players run of folding 6-3. Suited or not, you fold this combo at your own peril. Since Mark folded this unlikely winning combination, forfeiting a full house, it has come back to haunt others. Adam, folding these now magical two cards while playing an online tournament, let slip a winning straight. Now, that was bad enough. But to repeat this same mistake, as he did last night, with the same results, calls his judgement into question.


Anonymous said...

I think you forgot to mention that the 6-3 curse lives on!

- adam

Anonymous said...

yeah...leave me in the cellar huh? i can feel the
