Thursday, April 3, 2008

The table is set..........

So far this year, only 2 players have had 3-peats, Tanner & Myself. Tonight, I'll try for the first quad-peat. Needless to say, I'll have plenty of people there to try and prevent that very thing from happening, including, but not limited to; Nick, who last week came oh so close to winning his first TNP, we'll see if his improving poker skills will continue this week; Adam, who reminded us last week, being gone from the poker table for weeks at a time doesn't mean he's forgotten how to play; Deb, who now finds herself in second place but still after that elusive first win; Shane, who would like to beat his mother AND win a TNP; Crystal, who would love to redeem herself after last week's embarrassing first out; Justin, who is hot on the heels of Mark and would love to pass him by and leave him in the dust. Speaking of Mark, his absence will continue as his obsession with "American Idol" means he has to work Thursday nights so he can be off on Tuesday and Wednesday nights to watch that show. And last but certainly not least, Stevie and Tanner. Stevie is working nights at the hospital now so who knows when we'll see him again, and Tanner is dealing with school. So, the table is set, who will sit down and have a victory feast tonight? Tune in tomorrow at this time for the thrilling conclusion to this weeks TNP!

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