Sunday, April 13, 2008


To celebrate the occasion of Devie's 21st birthday, Ben, Sarah & Jason, Stevie, Tanner & Tommy threw him a party at Ben, Sarah & Jason's house last night. The theme was Las Vegas, and there was a Texas Holdem game with a $20 buy in. At first, I was reluctant to play. I usually don't enjoy such high stakes game, as they have the potential to become more than just fun. Adam finally talked me into it and boy am I glad he did.

Several TNP players were at the tables, including myself, Adam, Devie, Stevie & Tanner. Adam & Stevie were at my table. The rest of the field included both experienced players and newbies. Adam & I had modest goals before arriving, but they were exceeded to our delight!

I'll skip most of the play by play and jump to the end game. When the final four were seated, myself, Adam, Chris & Wade were at the table. I was dealt pocket aces, and if you've played with me long you'll know I really don't llke pocket aces. I've lost far more hands with them than I've won. I believe the blinds are $100 and $200 at this point. Chris raised pre flop and I went all in. I had just enough to cover him, so if I had lost I wouldn't be out but I would be critically wounded. He had ace queen. He paired his queen but in the end my pocket aces held up and I doubled up.

So there we were, Adam, Wade and myself all in the money at the final 3 table. Adam was weakest going in, Wade the strongest. I had a full house to take a lot of chips from Wade's flush, so I was sitting pretty near the end. Adam had a bad beat from Wade and ended the night in 3rd place with about $55. Heads up came down to Wade and myself. I was dealt hearts, then 2 came up on the flop. Wade had pocket sixes, started betting big and I foolishly called. It was stupid for me to call on the hope of seeing a heart on the turn or river, but I was tired, the place was chaos and I had already achieved more than I had hoped for, so counting on a heart to cripple Wade, I went all in. He tripped his six and it was over. I came home with $85 for the night, and Wade took home $130.

Much fun was had by all. So, until Thursday night, may all your cards be live and your pots monsters!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So now I'm 2 points AND 55 dollars ahead of Crystal! Cha-ching!

- adam