Thursday, May 15, 2008

Full House!

At least that's what we're expecting tonight. With the return of the Vegas vagabonds, the addition of Wes and our regular crew expected, it'll be a full house with lots of points on the line. Adam will be LOST, but other than that, the rest of our TNP regulars should be on hand for some intense poker. Will Nick surpass Adam? Will Deb retain first place for 3 weeks in a row? Can Tanner overtake second, or even first place? How close will Stevie come to Tanner? Can Crystal end her streak of bad luck and rejoin Adam & Nick for the biggest boob contest, or will she be stuck dealing with Shane & Jake? How will the tie breaker between Markus & Justin turn out? Can Mark get away from work to end his time in the basement and make it a contest between he and Justin again? How much impact will Wes have and how many points can he harvest for his first game at TNP this year? There hasn't been this much excitement since the screening of "The Perils of Pauline"! Tune in tomorrow for the answers to these and many more questions as the next installment of The Admiral's Poker Challenge, Thursday Night Poker unfolds tonight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow...i bet u just wet urself when "The Perils of Pauline" came out in 1914. showing ur age my friend...showing ur age :P.
