Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Butterfly Effect

Well, since we finished so early, I'll post this tonight instead of waiting until the morning. Even though we had 3 regulars missing from the table, we still had a sizable crowd and 12 points on the line. Tanner's recent surge has us all feeling a little dejavue. Here's how it played out.

On a technicality, Adam was first out tonight. Kinda. He showed up to play until LOST started. He was having a great night, continuing his streak of great hands he'd started on his online game, including quads and straight flushes. When it came time for him to leave, he asked that his blinds be posted until they ran out. Now, we did this for Markus & Jake, who were on their way but running late. We agreed to post Adam's blinds until a point of order was raised. In the past, when a player leaves the game, not just for a break or to take a phone call, but physically leaves the premisis, their chips are boxed and they're considered out. This has happened on several occasions previously and it was decided to follow that precedent. He had built up quite a chip lead and could have lasted longer than the 2 people who had been put out since he departed. Therefore, according to house rules, Adam ended the night with 1 point.

Next out was a new comer to the game, John, friend of Shane, and he made his TNP deput with 2 points.

Next out was a bit of a surprise. Unable to capitalize on his strong performance from last week, Jake was out next with 3 points much to the delight of Markus!

Nick made an early exit this week, coming closer to Adam and putting a little more distance between him and Crystal.

Next out was Shane, making the final table and ending the night with 5 points.

Stevie, holding out as long as he could, left the table with 6 points.

Markus, building on the momentum he started last week against Crystal, finished in the top 4 with 7 points.

Deb made the final 3, insuring her cling to first place, and added 8 points. ADDENDUM How could I forget to mention Deb's STRAIGHT FLUSH! She took quite a few chips from Jake on this hand, and it helped to make up for her mis-read on a straight earlier in the night. Don't forget the JACK Deb!

Had I finished in first, I could have tied Deb once again for first, but Tanner's chip lead was humongous, and I had to settle for second place in the standings with 10 points.

Making the winners circle once again, adding 12 points and his 5th win for the year, Tanner has managed to climb back into contention for first place. Looking back at the games, had Tanner not missed 4, he very likely would still be in first place after dominating the first quarter of the year. Here's the break down.

10. Adam - 0
9. John - 2
8. Jake - 3
7. Nick - 4
6. Shane - 5
5. Stevie - 6
4. Markus - 7
3. Deb - 8
2. Jeff - 10
1. Tanner - 12

Next week Crystal, Justin & Mark should be back to play and we'll see how their return will affect the stats. Until then, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters.

Per his request, Adam's point has been removed. All other points remain.


Anonymous said...

I would honestly just assume my point be removed. I'd rather have it show that I didn't play at all than finish last.

- adam

Admiral Ross said...
