Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Godfather

While waiting to leave for yoga last night, I received a visitor. This man kept his identity hidden from me. In a low, raspy voice, he said, "I'm gonna make you an offer you can't refuse." Swallowing hard, gripped with fear, I simply sat there and waited for this mysterious stranger to continue. "I've heard of your successful hit on Tanner last week. I've got someone I'd like taken out first this week. Here's his picture. Don't fail me!" As he departed, he shoved a picture of Jake into my hands. Instantly, I knew who this sinister mobster was. MARKUS! It had to be. What have I done? I mistakenly posted a poll last week in which I stated Markus had taken a slight lead over Jake. Now, to keep that false lead, Markus has put out a hit on Jake! Last week, while Tanner wasn't first out, myself, Deb & Stevie initiated a hit on him. He was 3rd out so our plot was mostly sucessful. Now Markus wants the same thing done to Jake. Consider this your warning Jake, we'll be gunning for you tonight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
