Friday, May 30, 2008


Ok, I've made a huge error. I'm not sure where to place the blame. At first I thought my dam eyes were to blame. But the mistakes were too consistant and frequent for that. I mean I know I'm old, senile, can't see or hear to well and my memory is going to hell in a hand basket, but other than that I'm in pretty good shape!

I discovered the error when I was posting the updated "TNP Standings at a glance". Stevie's points from last night didn't jive with the totals the spreadsheet said he should have. Now, I can see me doing it once or twice, but not for most of the weeks since we started. It's possible this happens when I send the report, via email, to my work computer. I have Microsoft Office at work and Microsoft Works at home. There may be something happening when the programs convert from one to the other.

So at lunch I started going back and checking the spreadsheet against the written paper copies. I noticed Stevie and Tanner's points had been transposed. Not just last week, but for most of the weeks since we started keeping records. Not only that, but Nick's points have been transposed with Chris'.

Therefore I'm having Adam audit my records tomorrow just to double check my corrected records. My sincere apologies to everyone who trusted me to maintain honest, accurate scores, but especially to Stevie, Tanner & Nick. Believe me when I say this was totally unintentional and from now on I'll have a second person check me before the scores are posted. The new results posted are preliminary pending the results of Adam's audit. I invite anyone who wishes to conduct their own audit to do so.


Anonymous said...

its not the computer programs. you were typing them in wrong last night and i noticed you give tanner's total points to me and mine to him somehow and you even gave chris nick's point at first but then switched it. it was all last night i'm just not sure how it happened with all the rows switching.....

Admiral Ross said...

Well, I went back all the way to the very beginning and it was happening back at the first of January. Those were entered correctly or we would have caught it much sooner.

Anonymous said...
