Friday, May 16, 2008

Reading the tea leaves

How well did last week's polls predict last night's outcome? Let's see!

Deb did indeed remain in 1st place for the third week in a row. `/

Tanner is still 19 points out of first, and with only 2 games left in this month, while it's not impossible, it's highly unlikely he'll take first by then, so this one gets an X.

Crystal, while not exploding out of her rut, did pull ahead of Jake by 1, so we'll give this one to Crystal. `/

While the votes went to Justin on this one, since Mark wouldn't let him play, Markus ended the tie and now leads Justin. X

Dam gays!

And it looks like the majority would rather keep the scoring the same for heads up tournaments as our regular TNP. Fine with me, makes it that much more difficult for the rest of you to catch Deb, Tanner & I!

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