Friday, May 9, 2008

Processing the Prognosticators Polls

Ok, let's see how well we did this week.

Deb remains #1, got that one.

Stevie didn't 3-peat, nailed that one.

It's yet to be determined who scored big in Vegas, I'll get back to ya on that one. Just so I won't forget, the polls split between Mark, Justin & Chad with 4 votes each. Poor Crystal only garnered 1 vote. Why is everyone so against Crystal?

Adam probably could have won last night, based on his chip stack when he left. But he got LOST so this one is null and void.

Markus & Jake did indeed play before the sun set. They kept talking about "punishment". SHUDDER Dam gays!

And it looks like, the majority having voted in the affirmative, we will indeed continue the heads up tournament, only once a quarter instead of once a month. The first being held on May 1, our next will be some time in July.

That's all for now. If there is a poker issue you'd like our prolific pontificators to ponder, or if there is a burning question you'd like expounded upon by our ecclesiastical existentialists, feel free to leave a comment and I'll be sure to present your query to our quorum.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why is everyone so against Crystal?