Thursday, June 26, 2008

The 40 Year Old Virgin

Well, he's not quite 40, in fact he just turned 23, but his TNP winners cherry has been popped and Adam's now in the victory column for the first time in '08 at Thursday Night Poker. Another shocker was Deb's early exit. The rest of us just played our parts. So let's get to the narrative.

With her husband on vacation this week, Deb seemed to be playing a little fast and loose from the get go. Now I've never known her to exit a game early for any reason, but this helped ease the blow of being first out. She earned 1 point.

Leaving the table with 2 points was Nick, who has an appointment washing dogs tomorrow. (Nick, CALL THE DOCTOR)

Finally ending a streak of bad luck, Tanner made it to 3rd place before exiting and added 3 to his total.

I had my big chance to make up some distance Deb has on me, and I started out great. I had the hand of the night, quad 8s, but it wasn't enough and I had to settle for 4 points.

The final 3 was a long, drawn out battle. Jake, on the verge of elimination several times, battled back to the bitter end. I let him back in the first time, then Stevie, and round and round it went. Jake finally succumed and took home 5 points.

The heads up came down to two old nemisis. Stevie and Adam were roughly even in chips with the blinds at 1 and 2 hundred. Stevie misread a hand and called Adam's all in. Adam took the hand with a king completing a straight and mortally wounded Stevie. The blinds just happened to double to 2 and 4 hundred on the very next hand, and Stevie put in all he had. After calling for pocket aces all night, Adam finally got his wish and ended the game. Stevie adds 7.

For the first time this year, Adam finds himself with a check in the winners column, 9 points and something positive to cuss about! It was a long time coming but I doubt it'll be the last time we see him with all the chips at the end of the night. Congrats Adam. Here is the night by the numbers.

7. Deb 1
6. Nick 2
5. Tanner 3
4. Jeff 4
3. Jake 5
2. Stevie 7
1. Adam 9

Don't forget we'll be grilling next week in celebration of July 4. NO FIRECRACKER, NO PYROTECHNICS, NO SPARKLERS, NOTHING WITH FIRE! Just hamburgers, hot dogs, baked potato salad and the trimmings. Jake has already committed to 2 pecan pies, I'm taking care of the hot dogs. The rest of you leave a comment here in the poker blog and let me know what you'll be bringing. Until next week, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!


Anonymous said...

I think there is someone missing from the winner's column...

Admiral Ross said...

You're right, I thought of that in the shower this morning actually. My bad, sorry. It's been corrected.

Anonymous said...

lol, i forgot to say it was me. i wasn't trying to be a grouchy anonymous commenter.
Justin :)

You'll have to excuse me in my exhausted state.