Thursday, June 12, 2008

Welcome to Wal-Mart

Ok, this is going to be straight (or gayly forward) and to the point. Fun game, fast paced, Stevie had a huge chip lead and it came down to the steel nerves of Mark to take him out! He agonized over Stevie's all in call, fearful of a flush beating his strong 2 pair. But after much hand wringing and consternation ( or was it constepation) Mark called Stevie's bluff and won the night. Here's the numbers

We all made the final table since we only used 1.

8. Jake 1
7. Tanner 2
6. Nick 3
5. Justin 4
4. Jeff 5
3. Deb 6
2. Stevie 8
1. Mark 10

That's it, I'm going to bed cause I leave for San Antonio in the morning! Don't forget, TNP will be at Mark & Justin's next week. Til then, may all your cards be live and your pots be monsters!

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