Monday, June 30, 2008

Vantage Point

Adam said the issue of side pots was discussed at the game hosted by Mark & Justin. I concur it is something we should start to do. Many times some low chip stack will go all in, killing someone elses ability to make some real money with a great hand. So here is the simplist explanation of a side pot I could find. And remember, the side pot is resolved first, then the main pot.

Regarding side pots:

The most important rule regarding side pots is that a player can't win more than he or she has put in from each other player in the pot.

An example: Player A moves all-in for $100. Player B also moves all-in, for $400. Player C, who has $800 in his stack, calls.

Player A can only win $100 each from the two other players, meaning that the main pot will be $300.

A side pot is then created for Player B and Player C. The remaining $300 from Player B's $400 bet will go into the side pot, and Player C will match that amount. Consequently, the side pot will be $600

Adam also brought up another idea. Bonus points, or bounty points. Award an extra point to the player who puts out the winner from the previous week's game. If the previous weeks winner wins again, then they would get a bonus point. We could also award bonus points for exceptional hands. 1 point for 4 of a kind, 2 points for a straight flush and 3 points for a royal flush. I'm still thinking about the points for specific hands, let me know what you think, but the bounty point will start this week. So watch out Adam, there is a price on your head!

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