Thursday, June 5, 2008

Priscilla, Queen of the Desert

With our two straight players out of town tonight, namely Deb & Crystal, that'll leave queens & queers to fight over food & points. Deb is on vacation with her family at Six Flags in Arlington, and Crystal is in Ft. Worth bringing her family home. While being absent usually leaves you vulnerable, Deb's lead is big enough that she's safe this week. Even if I could win, there won't be enough points for me to make up the deficit. So, all I can do is try to close the gap and keep competitive for when I'll be gone next week. Adam has thrown down the gauntlet and guaranteed he'll win tonight. I think the rest of us will have something to say about that, birthday or not! Stevie will likely be dragging ass. He had an appointment today that cut short his sleep time. Mark & Justin, Nick, Jake & Tanner will round out our competitors tonight. So we'll see who will don makeup and a dress to replace the two ladies who's beauty, grace and charm shall be sorely missed tonight. Mark? Justin?

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